What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than to reflect on the women who inspire me every day?
My choice is an incredible mix of powerhouses that I find myself taking inspiration from daily.
First up….
Jo Loves… A.K.A Miss Jo Malone herself.
There is something so inspiring that comes just from this ladies Instagram images alone. If you don’t already follow her, I highly suggest you start today @jolovesofficial
Jo is a lady of class and power, she is so empowering but carries such a feminine, luxury with her in everything she does. Jo does a lot around her community, sharing her story and inspiring young entrepreneurs which I just LOVE!

Second on my list is ‘The most powerful business woman in sweden’ 2018 Isabella Lowengrip. With a blog that receives over 1.5million reads and founder of Lowen Grip; a range of innovating beauty products from Sweden, this girl is a DREAM!
Always so perfectly presented, she is a daily inspiration for me when it comes to how to dress for business. I follow both her personal account (@isabellalowengrip) and her skincare account (@lowengrip) This boss babe has it going on!

Last and most certainly not least, miss @camillaainsworth CEO of @mylkplus a revolution in the Vegan world: ‘No naughties nut juice’ If this girl was a brand this is what she would be! It is so inspiring how she brings out her personality across her products. I loved watching her on the Apprentice and have been following her journey ever since.
Please let me know if you are already inspired by any of the girls I have mentioned or, if you choose to start following them now please let me know what you think.
Happy International Women’s Day everyone!
Lots of Love
Mel xx