A toner? Do i really need one?

Here at White Rabbit Skincare, we're frequently asked "what is a toner?" and, more often "do I really need one?"
Unfortunately, due to somewhat outdated information, many people are often advised that toners are an unnecessary or optional step in the skincare routine, but we disagree, as they can provide some really amazing benefits to your skin.
So, what is a toner and when do I use it? Toners are liquid products, designed to be used after cleansing and before moisturising - for example we remove makeup with our Lime & Coconut Cleansing Water, do a deep cleanse with the Comfort Cleansing Balm (see below), follow up with a spritz of Orange & Aloe Toner and then massage in day or night cream. 
Toners were once recommended as a means of balancing skin's pH after using a bar soap, for example, because these types of products raised the skin's pH to an unnatural level (...remember the famous soap brand that used a litmus test in it's adverts to supposedly claim it was milder than other types of soap?!). 

However, with today's gentle cleansers, the skin's pH doesn't change appreciably, and the fact that skin's pH recovers just fine on its own made the need for toners to adjust skin's pH fade away. What we now know is that after cleansing, what your skin needs is a range of ingredients that restore and repair its surface, as well as removing any excess leftover cleanser. Skin can never get too much of these important ingredients, which include antioxidants and skin-repairing substances such as glycerin, fatty acids, and ceramics (waxy molecules). 

The right toner can give your skin a healthy dose of what it needs to look younger, fresher, and smoother, right after cleansing and throughout the day.

We've designed our Orange & Aloe Toner with most skin types in mind, and with only a few key ingredients to keep things simple, yet still effective! 

Have you made a toner an essential part of your skincare routine?

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