Tips for Taking Care of your Skin this Christmas - White Rabbit Skin Care

Tips for Taking Care of your Skin this Christmas

Whether you’re putting on makeup for the family photos, trying to keep your skin from drying out in the cold, or preventing the stress of the holiday season from causing breakouts, White Rabbit Skincare has some tips for you this winter to help your skin stay radiant and beautiful!


Playing in the snow


Dryness in Winter

The cold winter air can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness, flakiness, and irritation. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, as well as to use a hydrating moisturiser in the morning and at night. We recommend White Rabbit’s Coconut & Rosehip Day Cream and the Rose & Orange Night Cream.

Using a humidifier and avoiding long, hot showers can also help. Hot water can strip your skin of natural oils that protect it during the colder months, and a humidifier will add moisture to the air, reducing the dryness in your home.


Christmas makeup

Proper Makeup Routine

Christmas time is often the busiest time of the year, with family gatherings, nights out and meetups with friends- that means we’re wearing makeup a lot during December, which can be dangerous for our skin. However, a good makeup removal routine that uses quality products can greatly minimise the chance of damaging your skin. 

Be sure to use makeup remover to erase all makeup, including any foundation, concealer, powder, eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick. Once you’ve done that, use a quality cleanser- or if you want to do both of these things effectively at once, use a product like White Rabbit’s 2-in-1 Lime & Coconut Makeup Remover and Cleansing Water

Finally, use a soothing serum to smooth and soften your skin. We recommend our Olive & Avocado Illuminating Skincare Serum.


Celebrating Christmas


Effective Stress Management

We don’t need to tell you that Christmas can be a stressful time for many people. With so much going on, and so much to arrange from gifts to gatherings, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, and unfortunately this can have adverse effects on your skin.

Stress can trigger skin breakouts by increasing the production of cortisol, a hormone that can lead to inflammation and oil production. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re finding time even during the busy Christmas season to manage your stress.

Meditating, yoga and walks can help you cope with stress, as well as getting enough sleep and not going overboard on Christmas treats to keep your diet at least somewhat healthy! 

If you do find yourself breaking out because of the stress, make sure you’re cleansing gently (avoid scrubbing as this will only make things worse), and consider also using a cool compress or ice pack on the inflamed areas. Our comforting Eucalyptus & Lavender Cleansing Balm could maybe help!

Christmas is a time for joy and celebration, but it can also be a time for stress and skin problems. The cold weather, dry air, and holiday parties can all take a toll on your skin- but by following these tips, you can keep your skin looking and feeling its best during the Christmas season.

If you’re worried about your skin this Christmas and you’re looking for natural skincare products that are suitable for all types of skin, consider the White Rabbit range! Shop online today and you can get your products delivered in time for Christmas.


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